Inner Voice

How we talk to ourselves shows up in the real world. It affects us and the people around us. It shows up in our life in a physical way. Negativity can manifest into disease, negative perspectives, and outcomes; so, isn't possible that positive thinking can manifest the opposite? Working on positive inner voice builds mental strength and flexibility - which in turn makes life challenges easier to move through! So, keep cheering yourself on, it's not for nothing!

Keeping a positive inner voice

The way we speak to ourselves matters; this is a concept that has been becoming more and more mainstream than ever, as the world shifts its’ focus on the importance of mental health. One of the main causes of disease that we often see in the health field is stress. Stress can come from many places out of our control, from our environment, including people and things, to unforeseen challenges, such as the loss of a loved one or damage done by mother nature (storms, accidents, etc.). We can’t always help what life throws at us or the environment we might be temporarily stuck in (as we find a better way), but we can control our inner voice to not make things harder. In fact, if a negative inner voice can manifest itself into disease and a negative perspective on life, and in turn negative outcomes, then can’t a positive inner voice manifest the opposite. I believe so. It’s interesting how easy it is to put ourselves down, while it requires an actual effort to be kind to ourselves. What a world it may be if humans weren’t wired in this way. I am here to say that the effort to be kinder to ourselves is worth it. Those inner thoughts reflect on the outside. They reflect how you see yourself and how you interact with the world around you. If you carry a positive inner voice, your stress levels will be lower, you will be less offended and insecure – batting of the negativity from others and yourself more easily.

Becoming more aware is key. Paying attention to your thoughts will help you keep positive thinking over negative. Negative thinking is natural to us as humans, as a way to protect ourselves – this protection mechanism is more or less heightened in people depending on upbringing; and gender can play a role as well. The more aware you become of your inner voice, the more you will also become aware of the environmental things that are toxic to your peace. Negative thinking always keeps your perspective of other people and situations negative, but when your inner voice becomes positive your perspective shifts as well. It will then become clearer to you whether friends and family members, in your life, are feeding and creating negativity or if they are quicker to pull you out of the negative, and help you jump into the positive and lighter side of life. This realization is everything because it is the way towards a happier path, with a more comfortable and less chatoic or stress inducing environment. Once you realize what’s not good for you, you can create healthy boundaries, all while maintaining a positive inner voice that cheers you on. And when those boundaries are established, everything around you begins to change in an amazing way. There is just something about negativity that feeds into more and more misery. Like the saying, “misery loves company” – its true! And at the same time positivity and light create more light and more joy. We all have a positive inner voice and cheerleader; we just have to tap into it and listen. It takes work to bat off the negative, especially on harder days, but that is when we need it the most, to help cheer is on. Negativity can have a strong hold over us, but we are much stronger mentally than we give ourselves credit for! Think about everything you have pushed through and been through in your life, and regardless, you’ll keep going and striving to live in peace.

Lastly, when you work on a positive inner voice, this builds your mental strength and flexibility – feeling stronger mentally, makes life challenges easier to move through.

Maria Keiswetter

Certified Nutrition Coach & Personal Trainer.

About SMM

So Much More is a podcast hosted by Maria and Chelsey, both mothers and hard-working women. They dive into deep conversations that encompass their real-life experiences and relative topics to managing the harder more stressful times in life. They discuss challenges that many of us can relate on, and how gratitude, positive-self talk, and kindness for ourselves and others can help us push through those obstacles and grow as individuals.

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