I’m sure you’ve noticed the serving size on a container, and probably thought I’m sure I am only eating a serving or two. But how do you know that for sure? Well, one way is to get out those measuring cups or spoons and portion out a serving for yourself. I promise you’ll be surprised by either how much more or less a portion really looks like outside of its container. For example, next time you are mindlessly eating a snack, such as carrots and hummus or chips and your favorite chip dip (there are great healthy options), first grab a serving size (per the container or bag food label) – put these items on a plate and then portion out a serving of hummus or dip to go with. Consume just this amount – less or more, whatever aligns with your nutrition goals for the day. Now you know what you are consuming, and you can eat this snack without wondering if you are over or under-consuming calories.
Another way to moderate how much you are eating is to grab smaller plates, bowls, etc. This prevents you from overloading with food. Also take your time as you eat, to allow your mind to catch up with your stomach. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full. Try these tips out today and see if they work for you!