Adjust Your Eating Patters

Last week, I talked about getting rest and taking time to relax, and I hope that you did!

A tip that I want to add – to the times that you are taking time to rest up- is to try and adjust your eating patterns to your physical activity each day. For example, don’t eat more food on days that you are tired and not moving your body. And on the other hand, try to make sure that you increase calories and nutrients on the days that you are moving your body more (including increased physical activity, and/or planned exercise).

Sometimes adjusting your eating patterns comes naturally, as you typically will feel hungrier when you have engaged in cardio, speeding up the digestive system, and getting your body moving – burning additional energy. This can happen with resistance training as well. But when you are doing moderate, low-impact exercise and depending on the duration, the types of calories and the quantity will differ compared to when you engage in cardio (increasing heart rate).

So today, are you planning to exercise? Are you going to be engaging in a lot of physical activity, or both? Or are you planning to be sedentary- taking it easy/resting. Adjust your food intake to your day as you have it planned, by eating larger or smaller portions, and including more or less carbs, protein, and fats depending on the type of physical activity you engage in. For example, resistance training/ lifting heavy will require higher protein intake, while cardio will require higher carbohydrate intake.