Emotional Eating?
Are you an emotional eater? Emotional eating is not just eating when you are feeling sad, it’s also eating when you are highly stressed, bored, and even happy or nostalgic – such as eating because something reminds you of feel-good moments, like an ice cream reward when you got a good grade at school. Emotional […]
Homeade Dressings & Sauces
Dressings and sauces are way easier to make homemade then most might realize, as they often contain minimal ingredients, store well, and don’t take long to put together! Dressings and sauces in the store typically contain lots of extra unhealthy ingredients our bodies don’t need and don’t like digesting.
Checking the Serving Size
If you are trying to maintain your weight and especially lose weight, checking the serving size on a food item before you dig in, is one of the best tips to help you be aware of your calorie intake throughout the day. In fact, if you are trying to gain weight or need extra calories, […]
Slow Down While Eating
I can say without researching the answer that most people probably eat too quickly; and oddly enough, even though we may be rushing through our meal, it doesn’t actually help us not eat more than we need. When we don’t take our time to chew through our food or take little breaks between each bite, […]
Inner Voice
How we talk to ourselves shows up in the real world. It affects us and the people around us. It shows up in our life in a physical way. Negativity can manifest into disease, negative perspectives, and outcomes; so, isn’t possible that positive thinking can manifest the opposite? Working on positive inner voice builds mental strength and flexibility – which in turn makes life challenges easier to move through! So, keep cheering yourself on, it’s not for nothing!
Sugar Cravings
Not everybody has a sweet tooth, but at one point or another, we all get a craving for something sweet. Whether you have to have something sweet every day or just every once in a while, it might help to know where that craving is coming from. As I think many of us have become […]
Nutrition Coaching Service Breakdown
Consutations (free) Consultations are between 15 and 20 minutes. During your consultation I will get general information about you and your goals. We will discuss your lifestyle around nutrition and the challenges or barriers that may be holding you back from achieving your health and wellness goals. After the consultation, if you decide to proceed […]
Limit Added Sugar Intake
Sugar is certainly a buzzing topic these days! I used to not think much of sugar until maybe 3 or 4 years ago. That is when I mindfully started limiting added sugar in my diet. Sugar comes in many forms from sweeteners either naturally or synthetically derived, to naturally occurring sugars as carbohydrates in food, […]
Mind Your Approach to Nutrition
Our approach to anything usually comes from what our goals and ideas for an outcome look like, whether these are objective (clear) or subjective (vague). So, for example, when referring to nutrition, your goal might be to lose weight. Your approach then will most likely be eating less food, stepping on the scale from time […]
Nutrition & Overwhelm
Recently I was researching saturated fat. I was looking to learn more about the potential harms related to diseases under the umbrella of heart disease. Interestingly enough, many physicians and other nutrition experts seem to have switched their opinion on this topic, stating that saturated fat may not be as bad as we had previously […]