Lean Life Wellness Blog

& So Much More...

Nutrition Information & Wellness Inspiration 

Latest Nutrition Topics

Homeade Dressings & Sauces

Dressings and sauces are way easier to make homemade then most might realize, as they often contain minimal ingredients, store well, and don’t take long to put together! Dressings and sauces in the store typically contain lots of extra unhealthy ingredients our bodies don’t need and don’t like digesting.

Organic Foods vs. Non-organic foods

Organic food has certainly gained a reputation, that is without a doubt used as a marketing tool to gain consumer interest and consumer dollars, by advertising organic products as healthier options over conventional. But is it all marketing, or are organic foods healthier and worth the extra money?

Grocery Shopping & Food Labels

Becoming more nutritionally aware is great but it can be overwhelming when you first start on this path to better health through better food choices. I completely sympathize, I have been there. And I am here now to help you better interpret those food labels and feel more empowered by your grocery shopping experience. Read more…

Nutrition Planning and Meal Prep

Meal planning and prep can be difficult to fit into our busy schedules, but when we are prepared with pre-chopped veggies and herbs for dinner or a healthy lunch/snacks during work hours, it feels like an accomplishment (because it is). Read more about the health benefits and how you can better plan and prepare your meals.

Goal Setting

Goal setting isn’t always easy. The most successful way to accomplish your goals is to create realistic nutrition and wellness goals for yourself, and how to strategically accomplish those objectives. This is a key part of nutrition and wellness coaching, because overall its all matter of shifting mindset and creating and implementing new habits that work best for you. This will involve trial and error, but ultimately if you are highly motivated, committed, and consistent, you will be successful!

So Much More Wellness Blog

The So Much More Blog is a partner to the Lean Life Wellness Nutrition Blog, as it encompasses so much more than just nutrition.

The So Much More Blog steps into wellness on another level by discussing an array of topics that remind us of ways that we can keep a happy and healthy mind and body, in order to function in daily life feeling our best – and show up on those harder days with a stronger mind and spirit ready to push through better than ever!

Latest SMM Wellness Topics

Boundaries & Growth

Boundaries are one of the best tools to use through life, in order to set healthy space and expectations between you and others, including the activities you do or don’t like to engage in. It’s a way to protect your peace. Getting out of your comfort zone is healthy too, but only if it’s leading you toward the things that bring you joy, not the opposite. Set boundaries and don’t mistake people pleasing for jumping into things that make you unhappy and leave you feeling drained.

Consistency + Grace

Consistency is the key to achieving our goals! There are other factors of course, but consistency leads to a compound of progress that ultimately can lead to our success. If consistency with unhealthy habits can lead to damaging effects overtime, then consistency with healthy/good habits can lead to healing and beneficial results overtime as well. That’s why we shift into change, and that shift is challenging and so is consistency, but you are more than capable; it takes not giving up, even when we stumble or fall – we get back up & persevere!

Overwhelm & Burnout

Overwhelm and burnout is something we often find ourselves in, as we push ourselves to accomplish every task all at once. As we continue to want more out of life, and to be more as individuals, we push ourselves harder, and often too hard and it can have the opposite effect on us! Overwhelm is the cause and burnout is the inevitable effect. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Inner Voice

How we talk to ourselves shows up in the real world. It affects us and the people around us. It shows up in our life in a physical way. Negativity can manifest into disease, negative perspectives, and outcomes; so, isn’t possible that positive thinking can manifest the opposite? Working on positive inner voice builds mental strength and flexibility – which in turn makes life challenges easier to move through! So, keep cheering yourself on, it’s not for nothing!


Being vulnerable is not the same as showing weakness, although it is often perceived that way. Being vulnerable simply means stepping outside of your comfort zone and when you need it, asking for help. This is how we grow and move more authentically through life, while avoiding burnout!

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